Okay. I have no time for a big blog entry, but had some stuff to share, so here it goes in this really strange format.
1. I saw Judge Reinhold at Target the other day.
2. When we went to the airport to fly to Philadelphia, the power went out and all the systems went down at the Little Rock airport. When we got to the airport where we were supposed to switch planes, the fire alarm went off in that airport and they had to evacuate because the sprinklers came on. I wondered if we were doomed for tragedy. I was scared, to tell the truth. Elijah thought it was cool.
3. Elijah and I got to play in the snow in Philadelphia this week and met a dog at the ronald mcdonald house that is a cancer survivor. Very cool.
4. This week have I have had several quizes, tons of biology homework, spanish homework, a spanish test and a big essay test in religion. School is kicking my butt.
5. I spoke to a group of nurses about MIBG Treatments at the hospital thursday night. It was nice. I think I like to hear myself talk. Especially when I think I know what I am talking about.
6. We had a candlelighters meeting on FRiday. I think it went okay. We have another one at my house on Tuesday. When am I going to clean???
7. I managed to read a book in the past two weeks. It was good. Mrs. Kimble was the title. Maybe a book review to come soon.
8. Did I mention that I saw Judge Reinhold at Target?
No Time for Blogging
Posted by
Saturday, March 7, 2009
OK - that airport stuff would have scared me to death!
JUDGE!!!! oh my. Puh-leez tell!
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