Go To Sleep!!!!

I have three finals to take in the next two days. What am I doing? I'm blogging and messing around on Facebook. Facebook is going to be the death of me if I don't get my addiction under control! Why can't I be addicted to things that are good for me like exercise or getting a good nights sleep? No.. I have to be addicted to crap like diet coke, flour tortillas and the ultimate of time suckers - Facebook.
Elijah started chemo today. It's 11:59 pm and he is still not asleep. He is in his bed and has called for Britt a minimum of three times and me at least four. The last time I had to be firm with him - which sometimes breaks my heart. "Mom, I have something on my mind and I just can't make it go away". "What is it, Elijah?" (I have to admit I said it in a not so caring voice because I recognize his ploy to not go to sleep) "I am just worried that I won't get in to the 4th grade" oh brother. He has tons of homework to catch up on right now and is really struggling with his multiplication facts. I told him earlier this evening, trying to impress how important it was, that he needed to really work hard on all of this stuff so he could pass 3rd grade and move on to 4th. While all of this is true, I simply intended to motivate him not send him in to a tail spin of worry about flunking 3rd grade. Jeesh.
Britt bought a new camera. He's been wanting one for a really long time. We probably needed to spend the money elsewhere but he just passed his test and earned his license that he worked so hard for. We blow too much money on stupid stuff all of the time and this is something he can use for work as well. (Elijah is still sniffling, by the way. I'm waiting for call #5 from his room) The camera is really nice but much like other advanced technology in this house I have no idea how to use it.
The walk this evening was particularly entertaining. I love the city we live in. During my walk I can hear crickets, birds, and frogs but can also hear faint traffic sounds. I find the combination oddly comforting. Baden and I walk this little gravel path that is near our house. It winds through a block in our neighborhood that is sort of wooded. Much to Baden's pleasure, we saw bunnies on our walk today! He was so excited. He acted like a little kid who had just seen Mickey Mouse for the first time. I think for a minute he actually thought I was going to let him off his leash so he could chase after them. "Please, Mom? Oh, please let me chase the bunnies!!!" I laughed out loud at this silly dog. Quite amusing.
Part of me is ready for school to be out for the kids and part of me is dreading it. Elijah needs organization and structure and even though his attendance is sporadic, it does provide him with some of that. I am going to have to get on the ball and get on a better schedule.
Okay. I'm obviously not going to study. I need to go to bed now before the flour tortillas start beckoning from the kitchen. Evil things.


Susan May 9, 2010 at 6:12 AM  

Chasen is also a late-night tortilla eater!

About this blog

I am a 43 year old Mom of 2 awesome kids. I have one child with a serious illness. Caring for him is mostly what I do - with a few other things mixed in here and there. I have been married to the same wonderful man for nearly 15 years now. I am forever on the quest to change my life for the better. I want to be more organized, much healthier, and much thinner. So far, I'm not getting there. This blog is for my ramblings and frustrations while on my neverending quest for improvement.