
Why is it that when I want to write in my blog, it's always late at night after I am already under the influence of ambien? Makes no sense to me - so this will probably make no sense to anyone who actually reads my blog.
A lot going on. We have found a home. Praise God! It's pretty close to the house of my dreams. (pretty close) It has so much personality. I love it. I feel at home there already. it's one of those things where I don't want to put all of my ugly, old, scratched up furniture in it because I think the house is too nice for my crap. Does that sound bad? I went and bought a slip cover for my sofa because this sofa is pretty ragged. It's got spots on it where its all sun faded and just looks terrible. The slipcover helped, really it did. I would much rather have a couch that it's obvious is slip covered, than have a couch that looks like ass. I need to get a nice rug for the living room. I have no idea how to shop for stuff like this. If I had hundreds of dollars and could go just buy everything matching, I would.. but I don't. I will just have to make do with what I can find and hope that my house doesn't continue to look like I live at a yard sale. So.. I need a rug and a comfy chair for the living room. I've been stalking Craigslist to see if just the right thing will pop up. I'm sure it will.
I'm going to have to get Hannah a new comforter for her bed, Thankfully one at Target that she loves - so that will be easy. Not so easy is options for some art on her wall. She is ready for a grown up room, but something sort of whimsical. Her walls are kind of a mocha color and her comforter is white. I need something with a splash of color that would look really sophisticated but fun too. Any suggestions? I'm not opposed to doing something myself - Budget is definitely in consideration...
Elijah's room will already be cool. He has his shark stuff and now wants to add a few things from his newest obsession; The Beatles. Elijah LOVES the Beatles. He's been listening to them non stop for weeks now. I'll be on the lookout for a Beatles poster for his room. I may have to order one on line.
I can't wait to get the rest of the house finished and be in there! It's going to be fantastic! I have a huge kitchen that I will be able to cook in! yay!!! My focus is going to be on preparing family meals that I can make ahead - that save time but are nutritiuous too. Maybe I'll start blogging about it. I thought about seeing if a friend of mine wanted to come over one afternoon and we could cook three meals and then split them.
I am trying really hard to be positive right now because the thing with the house just fell in to place perfectly. I'm trying to be positive, but sometimes my inner pessimest just gets the best of me.
I'm going to the doctor tomorrow to see if he can readjust my medication or switch completely. I have been mean as a snake on this drug. Just angry and "persecuted". It's not just that side effect, but I'm dealing with a few others as well. I've felt sick nearly every day for weeks now - and my hair is falling out. Thankfully I have really thick hair so no one would really notice unless they had their hands in my hair at some point. I would say that I've lost maybe a third of my hair in the past two weeks. Barrettes that I would have to struggle to get closed because of my thick hair - Are now loose and have hair falling out because it's not tight enough to hold itself in. It takes me a fraction of the time to dry my hair. at first I thought it was my imagination. It's not like Elijah's hair falling out - this is gradual and not obvious. I find tons of hair in the bathtub, on my clothes, in my sink. If I run my fingers through my hair, most times I come back with five or six strands. It's awful! Of course I try to self diagnose. It could be thyroid, it could be iron deficiency, it could be medication, it could be poor diet, it could be stress.. just pick one. Maybe I should suggest to Dr. Felton that he get one of those spinning wheels like they have on Price is Right.. Put a bunch of possible diagnoses on there and just let me spin. I think it would always be weighted on "you don't sleep well and you are under too much stress".. no shit.
Okay.. super bitchy Dawn is starting to take over the keyboard, so I had better go to bed.
tomorrow I'd like to talk about why I think teenagers are stupid sometimes.


Susan November 19, 2010 at 8:04 PM  

I am really, really hapy you found the perfect home! I want to see pics!

About this blog

I am a 43 year old Mom of 2 awesome kids. I have one child with a serious illness. Caring for him is mostly what I do - with a few other things mixed in here and there. I have been married to the same wonderful man for nearly 15 years now. I am forever on the quest to change my life for the better. I want to be more organized, much healthier, and much thinner. So far, I'm not getting there. This blog is for my ramblings and frustrations while on my neverending quest for improvement.