A bit better

Last night's entry was written at 2am.  I couldn't sleep.  I was homesick and sad.  I needed to vent.  I feel somewhat better today, or I did until I talked to my husband.  He brought something to my attention that I hadn't really thought of until today.  When people ask how long we've been here, I've been saying "Oh, a few weeks".  Britt told me today that he looked on the calendar.  This Saturday E and I will have been away from home for FIVE WEEKS.  That's just insane.  I'm so thankful that Hannah and Britt were able to come up here, even if it was just for a few days.  By the time we get home, we will have been here for over 7 weeks.  I wish I could say that when we get home, I'm never going to leave again, but the fact is that we will only be home for a couple of weeks and then we get to turn around and come back.  At least the next trip won't be for as long if scans go well.  We should be able to scan, get results and his meds, and head back home.  I pray that's what we can do.
So about the boredom thing.. I have a couple of friends that must have been reading my mind and knew that I was about out of my gourd with boredom.  A dear friends husband is in the theater business and knows some of the theater peeps up here in The City of Brotherly Love.  He made a phone call and got Elijah and I a couple of comped tickets to see a show.  We are thrilled!  Another friend contacted a few of Elijah's friends parents and they are working on a surprise for him to send us someplace for a fun day trip.  The trip is something that Britt and I had talked about doing all together, but we can't ever seem to get it going when we actually have a bit of free time up here.  I will hate going without him, but enjoy the opportunity for Elijah and the distraction for me. 
I received the most wonderful compliment today.  Someone that I highly regard said that she hoped that one day she could be as amazing as a mom as I am.  Wow.  It doesn't get better than that, does it? I sometimes get really down on myself because I haven't been able to finish school and I don't have a career.  Then I receive a compliment like this and it puts things in to perspective for me.  I don't want to be remembered for my education or my career choice.  I think it's a much greater honor to be considered a fantastic mother and a good wife.  I'd rather have a successful marriage than a successful career.  I don't want my kids to ever doubt that they are loved and are both amazing human beings.  Wow.  God must have really thought I had it in me to do something special when he blessed me with these two over the top fantastic kids.  If I was given a catalog and told to order whichever daughter I wanted, I would have looked it over and said.. "Oh!  I like that one with the gorgeous green eyes and brown hair just like mine.  Toss in a fabulous sense of humor.  Give her a dash of humility and heart that loves God and wants to make the world a better place.  Oh.. If she could have a sense of adventure, I think I'd like that.  The fact that she's stunningly gorgeous was just an added bonus.  Respectful.  Oh yes, she must be respectful.  Funny thing is, all those things I would have picked in a catalog are my Hannah.  She is simply amazing and I'm proud to think that I had something to do with just how amazing she is. 
Then there's Elijah.  Oh, lawd, is there Elijah.  This kid is a 27 year old in a 12 year old's body minus being gaga over girls.  He is the smarted 12 year old I've ever ever been around.  We go to movies together and have discussions that I might not even have with some of my adult friends.  The theories that he comes up with, ideas that he has, things he imagines and the things he paints and draws - It's astonishing.  And this kid's sense of humor is out of this world.  You have to be really careful because sometimes he's saying something witty and you won't quite catch it.  He is wonderfully talented and smart and private.  I'm the one that blabs all of his life on the internet.  I just want others to be touched by his story and to know how great he is.  Because he is great. 
Okay.  I'm rambling again.  Sleepy drug is kicking in so I must retire.  I don't think anyone reads this blog, but if you do.... What would you like to talk about tomorrow?  I'm open for suggestions. 


About this blog

I am a 43 year old Mom of 2 awesome kids. I have one child with a serious illness. Caring for him is mostly what I do - with a few other things mixed in here and there. I have been married to the same wonderful man for nearly 15 years now. I am forever on the quest to change my life for the better. I want to be more organized, much healthier, and much thinner. So far, I'm not getting there. This blog is for my ramblings and frustrations while on my neverending quest for improvement.