About Time!

I am finally starting to feel better. My headache isn't constant anymore and the yuck feeling in my stomach is only every once in a while during the day instead of all the time.
Last night we decided to clean out the garage and have ourselves a good ole yard sale this morning. We really got rid of a lot of stuff!! What we didn't sell, Britt loaded up in the truck and took to Goodwill. Our garage, that was fully lined with plastic bins, is now nice and clean.. One more step on our way to organization! Now that the garage is cleaned up, we will move on to the house tomorrow and get some more stuff organized here. Tomorrow we tackle the beast that is our laundry.. YIPES!
We have a new addition to the Talley house. His name is Baden and he is a smooth fox terrier. I think this one is actually here to stay. We wanted a small dog that Elijah could play with and got little Peanut from my grandmother.. Peanut didn't want to do anything but tear stuff up, growl at everyone but me, and follow me around everywhere I went. NOT what we wanted in a dog. I was worried he was going to snap at Elijah. He really needed to be a one person dog so we found Peanut a new home. Two weeks ago we were coming home and found a little dog running down shackleford - we brought her home to try and find her parents. No such luck. CARE took her into their foster program to find a new home for her. Last week my sisters boyfriend called and said that his mom had a dog that we needed to come and meet. Well, we did and we fell in love with him so we brought him home. He is a smooth fox terrier and is smart as can be - a bit stubborn, but still a sweet heart. He LOVES to play with his ball.. Tinkerbell doesn't much care for him, but he doesn't mess with her too much.
Riverfest is next weekend. I am not prepared. The yard sale today wore me out so I can only imagine how I will feel after being outside at the festival for three days. I was determined that I would lose some weight and be in better shape before this years festival, but it didn't happen - again. Someday soon.. Now that I am feeling better we can get back in to the gym. When Hannah is gone to her dads during the summer it will be easier for us to eat better - Elijah will eat good stuff like salmon, tilapia, and grilled chicken all the time.. (That's my excuse right now - Hannah is picky so I eat garbage ALL DAY LONG! HA!) I did find all my weight watchers books in the garage yesterday. I really think that's the easiest program when you have kids and a family. It makes it easier to plan meals that everyone can eat.
Well, I guess I haven't written in so long, I had a lot to say.. :)
prayers for tomorrow: health for my kids, a good nights sleep, and motivation to get the house put together tomorrow..


Susan May 20, 2007 at 5:53 AM  

BRAVO for the yard sale!
BRAVO for the doggie!
BRAVO for the new determination!

About this blog

I am a 43 year old Mom of 2 awesome kids. I have one child with a serious illness. Caring for him is mostly what I do - with a few other things mixed in here and there. I have been married to the same wonderful man for nearly 15 years now. I am forever on the quest to change my life for the better. I want to be more organized, much healthier, and much thinner. So far, I'm not getting there. This blog is for my ramblings and frustrations while on my neverending quest for improvement.