Why didn't this post yesterday when I wrote it??

It's Friday night, nearly 12:30 in the morning. 15 years ago this would be just about the time I was getting started. Now I am just tired and wondering why I didn't go to bed an hour ago. I'm still a night owl and probably always will be. I guess I got that from my Mom. Elijah has inherited it from me but I think Hannah took after her dad. She goes to bed pretty early.
Condo life is starting to lose its shine. The condo that is directly behind ours is vacant and being remodeled. They don't start with the noise terribly early, but it's noise just the same. Loud power tools and music. I love music and normally don't mind it, but our houses are soundproof enough that the music just comes through the walls like muffled noise.
We have unpacked as much as we possibly can. We honestly don't have room for anything else. We have a storage unit that is packed to the gills and our little place is still lined with boxes. It's starting to get to me. How did I accumulate so much stuff?
I don't even want to get started on the animals. Duchess has thankfully found a new home. The cats and smallish dog are enough to make me nuts right now (not that I am far from it anyway!) I love the furries, I really do. I just don't like the fact that we are in such a small space they seem everywhere. We are used to being in small spaces - staying at the Ronald McDonald all the time. I just wish we could figure out what to do with all the "junk". AND I wish I could teach the cats how to use the toilet instead of a litter box. I hate the litter box.
Okay.. I have whined enough. On the plus side of things, I am loving being back in the area we live in. Elijah is enjoying the pool nearly every day - which is awesome. He's getting great exercise and building strength. We are also liking the break we are seeing from big utility bills. I think our electric bill was less than $100 last month. That's amazing to me. So.. we will stay in the little condo for a couple more months. I am already looking for the "perfect house" for our family. I think my obsession with looking so soon is making Britt nuts. I think we are going to try to move mid October. Not far and probably still not going to buy anything. Just a rent house preferably with a small yard, a few hundred more square feet, and a 3rd bedroom. Maybe we will luck out and find one with a state of the art kitchen.. ha! A girl can dream, right?

About this blog

I am a 43 year old Mom of 2 awesome kids. I have one child with a serious illness. Caring for him is mostly what I do - with a few other things mixed in here and there. I have been married to the same wonderful man for nearly 15 years now. I am forever on the quest to change my life for the better. I want to be more organized, much healthier, and much thinner. So far, I'm not getting there. This blog is for my ramblings and frustrations while on my neverending quest for improvement.