
I was sitting here thinking to myself while my lips are burning how suckish chapped lips are, but then I got to think about it in the whole grand scheme of things and decided that I will take chapped lips any day over some of the things that we have been dealing with over the past several years. Elijah's lips have been so chapped before that they molted, cracked and bled. Yuck. My chapped lips are nothing.
We receive the best news today. Elijah had an MIBG scan and it came back NORMAL.
We haven't heard that with regard to a scan since he was in Kindergarten before he relapsed. It was almost surreal, to tell the truth. It was like a sort of validation. What we are doing is working. The treatment we have researched and chosen for him really was the best thing. I prayed and prayed before his scan. I asked God to please let him have improved or stable disease so he could continue with his treatment. To have no disease show up on this scan was nothing short of God's Miracle in my opinion. Don't get me wrong.. He is far from out of the woods and truth be told he will be dealing with this disease for the rest of his life unless they come up with a cure. It's just a huge gigantic step in the right direction - the direction of keeping him healthy and with us for many years. Sigh.. Can you hear the relief in my typing?
Hannah passed her drivers test. It's more frightening than I can describe - to know that she will be out driving by herself very soon.
We leave on Sunday. I am hoping that it won't be as hard on Elijah as it was before. I am looking forward to being back in Philadelphia and seeing our friends again. Hannah will be with us this time and it will be a good opportunity for she and I to spend some time together. Much of the time in Philly Britt or I were alone because the other had to be with Elijah. Now Hannah will be there to keep us company. I think it will be good.
I guess I need to go to bed. Tomorrow will prove to be another busy day - this week has been crazy busy but I would go through tons more just like it to get the news we got today. I am grateful.


Susan December 5, 2008 at 8:08 AM  

I am so elated to hear of Elijah's results!

HerstoryGirl December 5, 2008 at 3:00 PM  

Hannah's DRIVING??!!

That means Nadia will be driving in 6 months!!!

Seriously, I am SO happy about Elijah's scans! I have just been elated for the past day... I can only imagine how you must be feeling.
I hope y'all have a wonderful trip to Philly!

About this blog

I am a 43 year old Mom of 2 awesome kids. I have one child with a serious illness. Caring for him is mostly what I do - with a few other things mixed in here and there. I have been married to the same wonderful man for nearly 15 years now. I am forever on the quest to change my life for the better. I want to be more organized, much healthier, and much thinner. So far, I'm not getting there. This blog is for my ramblings and frustrations while on my neverending quest for improvement.