
Sometimes I wish I had a hobby that I was passionate about that would get me off my rear. Like Susan.. She runs. That is her hobby. That is her passion. It's good for her body and spirit. Me... I love to read. I love to get lost in the pages of a book. I find that when I am reading a good book, I really don't want to do much of anything else. Unfortunately, my family also notices when things don't get done around the house, or I am tired all day from having been up til the wee hours of the morning reading. Not fun! I just love to read. I read a whole James Patterson book today. That was after finishing "Eat, Pray, Love" last night. (amazing book, that "Eat, Pray, Love"). The James Patterson was so freaky bizarre. His books are normally wonderful mysteries, but never freaky like this one! I swear, if they ever turned this in to a movie, it would scare the pants off me! It was good though. I just had to finish it because I couldn't for the life of me figure out what was going on! Thankfully at the end, it did come together. It's a rush for me. A feeling of small accomplishment, I guess. I am known for starting a project and not finishing it, so finishing a book is a small victory for me every time. I guess I will take a short break from reading.. maybe for a few days so I can get some stuff done around the house. I will probably be itching for something to read by Tuesday though. :)


Susan January 28, 2008 at 10:49 AM  

Why thank you!!!!

I tihnk every victory, however small, is good for our psyche. Read on!

About this blog

I am a 43 year old Mom of 2 awesome kids. I have one child with a serious illness. Caring for him is mostly what I do - with a few other things mixed in here and there. I have been married to the same wonderful man for nearly 15 years now. I am forever on the quest to change my life for the better. I want to be more organized, much healthier, and much thinner. So far, I'm not getting there. This blog is for my ramblings and frustrations while on my neverending quest for improvement.