
I feel a bit lost today for some reason. I feel like there is something I really need to be doing, but I can't remember what it is. It's driving me nuts. I keep looking on my computer hoping that it will come to me in some great epiphany, but it never happens. I just cleaned my kitchen and I guess I will move on to laundry next. I borrowed John's carpet shampooer. I am hoping that will make me feel better about my house. I also started working on Elijah's room. THATS a HUGE chore!!! ugh. He just has so much stuff and I have no idea what to do with all of it. I did take most of his stuffed pals out and put them up.
I slept last night. Slept from midnight to 11am. I haven't slept that late in years!!! I have to say that it felt pretty good though. I got up and cooked a big breakfast / lunch for everyone. It was good and I enjoyed it. Elijah and Britt are playing with some of his toys that the kids at St. James sent. So sweet.
I go back to work on Monday for the week while he is at St. James. I am going to count points for breakfast and lunch and try to prepare somewhat healthy meals. I may even try to go walk on the treadmill at the gym.
It's 2pm. Where has the day gone? I guess that's what happens when you sleep the day away.
Prayers for today: Elijah to feel great, for our family to have a good day, to get a bit of work done, a feeling of peace.


Susan June 16, 2007 at 3:19 PM  

Way to go, sleep queen! YOU DESERVE IT!

I admit... I love being at home. Not that I don't like going places, even simple ones... but there is peace with just being at home.

Maybe I am old...

About this blog

I am a 43 year old Mom of 2 awesome kids. I have one child with a serious illness. Caring for him is mostly what I do - with a few other things mixed in here and there. I have been married to the same wonderful man for nearly 15 years now. I am forever on the quest to change my life for the better. I want to be more organized, much healthier, and much thinner. So far, I'm not getting there. This blog is for my ramblings and frustrations while on my neverending quest for improvement.