Another Day... Another small mountain climbed.

This day has been a busy one. For most folks, today is their Friday. For me - it's like my Sunday. My "work week" starts tomorrow. I started my day off late, as usual, because I didn't set my alarm correctly. I got Elijah to his clinic appointment around 9:30. We were able to get his labs drawn fairly quickly and then we headed off to pick Hannah up from school. I called the hospital to check Elijah's lab results because we suspected he would need platelets.(Platelets are the part of the blood that help it to clot - when platelets are low, he is prone to bruising and bleeding) Normal is around 150. Elijah's were 14 today. After a quick run through the BK Drive-thru, we headed back up to ACH so Eli could get a tranfusion. Before tranfusing a blood product, they pre-medicate with tylenol and benadryl so that took a bit.. then we had to wait on blood bank to send them. That took a while. His platelets came, were transfused, and within 30 minutes we were on our way out the door.
My sisters boyfriend called today. Some friends had a sofa they were giving my sister but she needed a place to store it so I offered our house. Joe brought it over today and I put it in the dining room - it's large enough. After I put it in there, I realized how disastrous my dining room looked! We had so much JUNK piled on the lovely bookshelf! I am starting to fear that we are becoming packrats!!!! ARRRGGHHHHH!!! So I rearranged a tiny bit in the dining room and Britt and I went to work on the bookshelf and dining room. We managed to eliminate all things from the shelf and dining room that do not belong there. It looks so much better. Some things we put in their right place, some we found a better "temporary" home for, and others we simply through out. Britt mentioned that it doesn't do any good for me to just put things in closets or drawers. I disagree! I figured that once I got the main parts of the house organized, I could then work on closets and drawers! I think that sounds like a grand plan. So.. now my room is clean, my kitchen is clean, and my dining room is clean.. I guess next week I tackle the den and the bathrooms!!! yipes! All in all, I feel pretty good about the progress I am making in the house. I am hoping that having things around me more organized will help my thoughts to be more organized and allow me some free time. Free time to actually enjoy rather than avoid things I really need to be doing.
All in all, I would say I have put in a full day.

About this blog

I am a 43 year old Mom of 2 awesome kids. I have one child with a serious illness. Caring for him is mostly what I do - with a few other things mixed in here and there. I have been married to the same wonderful man for nearly 15 years now. I am forever on the quest to change my life for the better. I want to be more organized, much healthier, and much thinner. So far, I'm not getting there. This blog is for my ramblings and frustrations while on my neverending quest for improvement.