
I am done with my work week and I must say that I am exhausted. I keep meaning to wear my pedometer to work so I can see just how many steps I take now that I am working and on my feet a good portion of the day.
Elijah has had the flu much of this week. I have HATED being away from him while he has been sick. I am just used to being the one that takes care of him when he doesn't feel well. I am selfish that way, I guess. It's hard to convince a mom that anyone else can do as good of a job as she can when it comes to taking care of her kiddo.
I have to remind myself when I am at work that I AM NOT A NURSE. It's irritating me, to tell the truth. There are so many times that I want to open my mouth - but I don't.. And times that I have opened my mouth that I wish I hadn't. It's just that I want the oncology kids to be taken care of the way I would want Eli taken care of - and some of the nurses just don't get it. They were going to catheterize a little one yesterday - and that's something you just don't do with oncology kids unless it's absolutely necessary and it wasn't with this one - so I spoke up.. You don't cath those kids and you don't do rectal temps. Plain and simple. but then I have to remind myself that I am an employee and a secretary.. I feel like I am probably overstepping my bounds and to do that only after 4 weeks of working there is a bit on the arrogant side.. I am frustrated with that aspect - but loving my job just the same. I like the excitement down there and the fact that there are always things going on.. there aren't constant trauma's like you see on ER or anything - but it's crazy busy just the same. I see a lot of God working in there too.. Just yesterday a girl would have died if it weren't for the fact that the nurse (who I really like) just for some reason took a notion to go in there for a second - realized that her heart rate had plummeted and took immediate action.. That's God at work right there.. He sent her in there for a reason. I love stuff like that.
I am comfortable in that environment.. I feel like I fit there. Who would have thought.
Tomorrow I rest and clean my room. I am hoping to get to work on Elijah's room tomorrow too. Britt did an awesome job taking care of stuff around here this weekend while I worked - kept the dishes done and had dinner waiting for me both nights.. What a man! I have to say that I do miss him though.. he works so hard during the week and then I work all weekend.
I must sleep before I start to ramble about things that are even more meaningless than what I have already been going on about..
Prayers: continued healing in Elijah, for Hannah to be the strong girl I know she is, for Britt and I to get some time together, for motivation to take care of myself, and for a good night of sleep.


Susan March 10, 2008 at 4:58 AM  


Even though you are very busy I am proud that you have found something fulfilling -- that provides a paycheck. HA! I think you experience and knowledge will prove to be very, very valued at you work. I really do.

HerstoryGirl March 10, 2008 at 11:53 AM  

First of all, I want to tell you that you SHOULD speak up (respectfully, of course) when you see something being done incorrectly or that could be potentially dangerous. Do NOT let anyone intimidate you or make you feel bad for doing so.
You have first-hand experience with this and those nurses should respect that and give you a little credit.

Honestly, (and don't kill me for saying this) have you thought about going to school to become a nurse? Possibly an oncology nurse?
I think you would be an AWESOME nurse! You have such a big heart & you are so nurturing.

I love that you can see God moving in such a difficult place. So often, people only focus on the negative and never see the good. I love that about you. =)
I'm coming home the week of April 13-19 so let's try to get together, ok?
Summer =)

About this blog

I am a 43 year old Mom of 2 awesome kids. I have one child with a serious illness. Caring for him is mostly what I do - with a few other things mixed in here and there. I have been married to the same wonderful man for nearly 15 years now. I am forever on the quest to change my life for the better. I want to be more organized, much healthier, and much thinner. So far, I'm not getting there. This blog is for my ramblings and frustrations while on my neverending quest for improvement.